Saturday, September 1, 2007

that leek recipe from the Paula Wolfert book made even better soup than a side!
We added a couple of potatos from Long Valley and let them bake on low while other things were cooking, then added about a gallon of veg broth and blended.
Highly recommended!

Today has so far been home made bread, leftover meat, and brussels sprouts. Tonight I may grill some bluefish from last autumn's exceptional catch.

Broiled Bluefish
Choose a fillet which is even in thickness.
Remove the dark meat which runs down the center, it is likely to be highest in mercury ( shame, it's my favorite bit ). Leave the skin on, it will stick to the pan and protect the fish like foil.
If you prefer not to use foil, a brown paper bag on a baking pan works well to reduce cleaning efforts later.
If you have leftover bacon, grind it into breadcrumbs.
Use about 1/4c breadcrumbs per pound of fish. Some people butter copiously, I prefer to use herbs and either lemon or vinegar. There being very little access to local lemons, it shall be verjus tonight.

Broil the fish on the bottom rack of your oven, if you have the internal kind of broiler. When the juices turn white, spread the crumb mixture evenly over the fish, and continue to broil til they brown.

I am conflicted about preserving fish and meat by freezing, but boy, it's a treat to be able to sock some treats away!

1 comment:

Sharon GR said...

Did you give up on your quest?