Thursday, August 2, 2007

Gearing up to the locavore challenge

Just another food blog

this is my kitchen. Huge, luxe, old school, it's perfect. Too perfect. We have settled in and made such a mess we don't know if we can eat our way out of it.

( there will be a photo here soon )

There are only two of us ( plus the very rare guest ) and we have very different tastes in food. Oh, the main compatibilities are in place, of course. We both love meat, butter, eggs, we both love sweets and chocolate, cookies, pizza of course. We will fight for the last ( non breaded ) hot wing if it's particularly good. But he won't touch “things that food eats”; “things that grew in dirt”. He hates vegetables and only tolerates fruit.

I don't love vegetables, but I do eat them out of a sense of duty, and sometimes because I find them genuinely good. Onions are the exception. They count as meat.

Unfortunately, I am a bit of a packrat. A suburban home allows for things to accumulate, until one day you enter the home and realize that not only is there no place to sit, but no place to put a sack of groceries.

Combine this with our preference for eating locally ( along our own very personally chosen rules ) and you have a bit of a mess. Either not enough to cook or too much in the fridge to reasonably eat.

This blog will randomly document special projects, cookbooks, inspirations, new sources found, successes, failures, meals in, meals out, and who knows what else.

Let's see where we wind up.

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